Lunes, Marso 28, 2011

Loch Ness Monster: Is It Real?


Besides earliest mention of Columba, D. Mackenzie described as alleged sighting of the monster in Oct’ 1871. He said that he saw something going off at a speed though no original source for the report has been ascertained. Major evidence dates back to July 1933, when Peter Martin and Sam Jacobs saw an absolutely different animal crossing the road facing their car. For the first time, the statistics of the monster got revealed; it was about 4 feet high, 25 feet long, and had long, narrow neck.
In the same year, Arthur Grant, a motorcyclist, asserted to have almost hit the creature while going Abriachan on the northeastern shore, in the night. He saw a small head joined with long neck and then, creature got into the Loch. Late in 1933, Margaret Munro, who was a young maidservant, evidently saw this huge creature that had elephant-like skin, a long neck, a small head and two short forelegs. 
Until 1963, such irregular land sightings persisted and thereafter, a second-rate film of the creature was made from a distance. In December 1954, an eccentric sonar contact was made through the fishing boat - Rival III. The sonar readings of a large creature were observed by the vessel's crew. Since 1933, a picture has come out from study of reports of large animals in the Loch, but there is no evident proof that Loch Ness Monster actually exists or not.
Dolor, John Ivan R. BSIT 1-1
FRIDAY GROUP 9:00-10:30

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